Figma Plugin - Run GitHub Actions workflows
Figma Plugin - Run GitHub Actions workflows
Run GitHub Actions workflows from Figma sending the selected page and all selected nodes as inputs.
Contentful Migration Tool
Contentful Migration Tool
Run Contentful migrations easier.
Export tool for Figma. You can easily and automatically export your Figma components and use them directly into your website.
WebAssembly vs Javascript
WebAssembly vs Javascript
A comparison between WebAssembly and Javascript
Video to Markdown
Video to Markdown
How to embed a video in markdown? Here the answer. Add videos to your markdown files easier.
GitHub Emoji
GitHub Emoji
Finally a complete list of GitHub Emoji. Now you can easily search and use all emojis you want in your .md files, like this 🤠 or this 🏰.
Speed Test for DigitalOcean
Speed Test for DigitalOcean
Run speed tests for all DigitalOcean datacenters faster than ever.
HTML Miner
HTML Miner
A powerful miner that will scrape html pages for you. ` HTML Scraper ´
An introduction to Frontend
An introduction to Frontend
This is an introduction to Frontend.
NumbeRun is a puzzle game I developed in 2007 for my school-leaving examination. The game was developed in Microsoft Visual C# 2005 using the Microsoft XNA library.
Test-Driven Development with Mocha: How to
Test-Driven Development with Mocha: How to
A collection of katas with JavaScript.
jCreate is a new special event for jQuery. Just use .on('create', ..); the callback will be triggered when elements are created on the page.